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Knowledgebase : Desktop PMS > Website Bookings
We have written a simple 'How To' on how to put 'Book Now' buttons on a website at Add Website Booking Buttons []. This page expl...
TO CANCEL A BOOKING FROM MY WEBSITE When a booking comes from your website or any other non-commissionable sales channel, then follow the instructions below for cancelling. If a booking is an OTA or GDS booking, and needs to be canceled or modified, fo...
WHAT CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS DO I HAVE FOR THE BOOKING ENGINE? Any BookingCenter customer can customize the 'look and feel' of the booking engine by using one of the 3 approaches described below: 1. Use the BookingCenter software to alter the features of...
Forcing a customer to provide the CVV2 for online bookings at YOUR website is feasible, as BookingCenter can act as your storefront and process the CVV2 in real-time according to the rules of the card issuing banks. However, forcing travel agents to pl...
What does "Source Not Found" mean when I Update the Internet? If an Online Booking is made with a Source Code present in your Members Area but not in your Desktop Software, you may get an import error which will display: "Source___ not fo...
MAKING 'QUICK RESERVATION' HTML FOR YOUR WEBSITE Web traffic analysis shows that each page of a property website ought to have a clear 'call to action' accepting "Arrival Date" and "Departure Date" and, when submitted, the user gets availability results...
HOW TO DETERMINE WHAT SOURCE GENERATED A BOOKING: WEBSITE, GDS NETWORK, OTACONTRACTRATE, NEGOTIATED RATE, IN-HOUSE PROMOTIONS? Because bookings come from BookingCenter form numerous places, it can be hard to differentiate between different types of booki...
This page highlights the Top Help Articles users have found to be most usefull when working with the Packages Screen: KNOWLEDGEBASE ARTICLES: **Selling Packages Online** [] Complete Guide to setup a...
The Booking Engine can be enabled to display a drop-down menu so that your visitors can select a specifc Room Type to see a calendar of availabilty for that Type. For Desktop users, choose _Parameters_|_ Internet Configurations_ | _Online Config_ and th...
BookingCenter supports a feature called "Maximum Book Ahead Days" (it's set in the Setup area under Settings | Booking Engine Settings) to dis-allow an online booker from booking more than x days in the future (though not less than 365). Keep in mind, thi...
BookingCenter's products - MyPMS, Desktop PMS, and Channel Manager Tool - can maintain separate deposit and cancellation policies in the following places: * Inside your PMS (for example, one confirm letter has a 50% deposit and another can be setup to ...
BookingCenter has 4 Booking Engine Templates that meet ADA (American with Disability Access) Compliance. This means our templates meet the highest standards of ADA Compliance using World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines [ht...