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Knowledgebase : Desktop PMS > Travel Agents
Entering rates for an Agent is identical to entering a Default Rate. You simply go to SETUP|RATES|DEFAULT RATES and click Add to start a new Rate. Then, give the rate a unique name for example, Agent1, and then write in the value of the rate for a daily, ...
Why Do My Receipts Want to Deduct the Agent Commission? When you enter a Receipt from a booking associated with an Agent, the Receipt allows you to PAY NOW or SUBTRACT the commission owed to the Agent. The BookingCenter system then allows you to Pay the ...
My Travel Agents Pay Balances Later. How Does BookingCenter Account For This? When an Agent is involved in a booking, the booking can be considered confirmed, as the Agent is a trusted representative. If the Agent will be paying the balance of bookings...
HOW TO SELL THROUGH WHOLESALE AND CALL CENTER AGENTS AND USE THE AGENTS AREA AT HTTP://AGENTS.BOOKINGCENTER.COM/ For a call center application, or working with one or more Agents directly, a property (or group) can use the 'Agents Area' at: http://agents...