Rooms: How Do I Add Rooms or Edit Existing Rooms or Room Types?
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 09 Aug 2013 10:47 AM
There is nothing static about hotel operations. Rooms change and Room Types get altered. Doing this in MyPMS is easy and can be done by the operator, but the user must have Manager level access to the Setup area. Rooms and Room Types can have 'sort' values, which determines which order they come up on the Tape Chart and Availability Chart. So PLAN YOUR EDITS so that Rooms and Types appear properly by reading: How do I control how the Tape Chart and Availability Chart display rooms? to make the process work for particular specific needs. Do a search for the old room type (the one you wish to delete) with a begins on date of today and an ends on date of 12 to 18 months in the future. This should display all future bookings for this room type. Please repeat this step for any Group bookings that might need editing for hard or Soft allocations. Once the future bookings are identified, open them up one at a time and click on the edit tab of each booking. Select the new room type they are going to be in and save the booking. If desired, also save the specific Room. Once all future bookings have been placed into a current room type (i.e., a new one or one that is not going to be deleted) you may then delete the old room type from the set-up area.
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