Manage and prepare for OVER bookings from Networks such as OTAs and GDS
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 22 Jul 2019 09:42 AM

Manage and prepare for OVER bookings from Networks such as OTAs and GDS'


All BookingCenter systems have a Room, a Room Type, and Rate called OVER. None of these can be edited or deleted, as the Central Reservation Service uses these to assign any <potential> anomalous bookings.  When an online booking goes into an OVER Room, it's because the booking was received for a Room Type which could not be placed into a single Room for the entire stay.  This article explains how you can better manage these OVER bookings and prepare for them.  Strategies to PREVENT OVER Bookings can be read in this article; a good summary of how OVER is applied to Rates, Room, and Room Types as OVER Bookings can be read in this article.


EMAIL Notice of an OVER issue

Every new booking that occurs online sends an email to the email address you have in the 'Site Settings' section of your Members/Setup area.  If a booking was saved with OVER applied to the Rates, Room, and/or Room Types, this email will alert you to this fact and you shoud take action as described in the articles linked (below).


Use the "Arrivals with Unassigned Rooms" Front Desk widget for MyPMS.

This widget will show you all bookings with arrival dates over the next 7 days that have no Room assignemnt, including an OVER assigned to the Room or Room Type.  This 'widget' functions as a way to keep visble arriving bookings that need Room assignments and links directly to them.  

Front Desk widgets can be used to bring common reports to your Front Desk area so that they are more visible than ‘requesting' a report. The ‘widgets’ are interactive, and graphically more interesting than reports, thus staff is more likely to pay attention to them. ’Widgets’ are added to your specific MyPMS system via the Front Desk Layout section of the Admin Tab  .Learn more about how to use Front Desk widgets in the documentation area.


-----------------------More Info ----------------------

We have additional info on strategies to PREVENT OVER Bookings in this article.

We have info on OVER as applied to Rates, Room, and Room Types as OVER Bookings in this article.

We explain how you can better manage - and prepare for - OVER bookings that come from Network sources (OTAs, GDS, etc) in this article.

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