Knowledgebase: GDS and OTA Channels
Agent/Channel Room Type-Rate Plan Allocations
Posted by Rebecca Mealer on 22 Nov 2014 11:35 AM

Allocate specific Room Types, Rooms and Rates to Agent Channels

A Room Type/Rate Plan allocation controls the availability of Rooms and the Rates you offer to each channel. Room Type/Rate Plan allocations are also used to sell packages,  discounted rates and for Promo Codes.The Room Types and Rate Plans available to allocate in the channels are already setup in Room Types and Default Rates or Packages.When you add Room Type/Rate Plan allocation to a channel, all of the rooms assigned to that Room Type will be available at the Rate Plan you have assigned to it.

All Room Type and Rate Plan allocations to Agent Channels are listed and managed in SETUP | RELATIONSHIPS | AGENT RELATIONSHIPS.  The default screen of Agent Relationships displays the details of your Agent Channels:  Agent ID, Agent Type, Agent Name, Number of Rooms Allocated, Commission percentage and Rate Loading percentage.

Examples of Agents Channels include: your website, promotional codes, GDS, Expedia, and other online travel agents. To see the contact details of each Agent, click the Agent ID.

See the following sections of the online manual to learn more on managing agent allocations to online channels:

Room Type-Rate Plan Allocation Examples

Agent Channels

Agent Types

Room Type and Rate Plan Allocations

Add Room Type Allocation

GDS and OTA Allocations

Manage Availability and Rates

Rate Loading

Promo Codes

Special Agents

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