How do I restore my BookingCenter datafile?
If you have a backup of your datafile, in the case of a crash, you can easily restore BookingCenter on your computer(s). Clients with an active support contract can download a new copy of BookingCenter from If you do not have an active support contract, please contact or +1-707-874-3922 x 201 to get one.
First, install your new copy of BookingCenter and enter registration properly as explained in this article: Reinstalling Desktop after a computer crash
Now you are ready to install the back up copy of your Datafile.
- First , take your most current copy of your Datafile, from a device or location you saved from your existing BookingCenter folder and place that copy into the new " BookingCenter " folder created when you installed the fresh copy.
- Open BookingCenter by clicking on it.
- Chose File > Change Datafile, from under the "File" menu and select the saved BookingCenter datafile from Step 1 above. You may go back and also highlight it and select default.
- Under Parameters> Internet Config> Make sure you choose a new File upload folder and Set click 'Set as Network Manager'.
- You may need to re-map your images, Under Parameters | System Graphics and Booking System | Room Types for Room Type images.
- Under Parameters> Internet Config> Make sure you click Upload ALL info- to synchronize your data.
The Online Check list has complete details, as does the Online Desktop Manual at: