How do I setup my Desktop Backup for MyPMS datafile?
The purpose of the 'Hybrid PMS' system is to act as a “back-up system” for when the internet is inaccessible. If you lose internet connectivity during business hours, you will have a ready-to-go onsite system (as of no more than hour before internet went down) that can be used for check-ins, check-outs, registration, confirmations, cancellations, and payment processing. Once your internet connection comes back up, bookings charges and payments will need to be entered back into MyPMS - they will not 'magically sync' back up. The exception to this is that any online bookings or deposits paid online will be ready in MyPMS, as the BookingCenter servers never stopped working. Because all data has been backed up in your Desktop Datafile every hour, the cutover to a Desktop PMS that can provide a seamless guest experience has been readied. To take advantage of this system, the following must be done in the Desktop PMS: Setting up the Desktop PMS: 1. Install the latest copy of BookingCenter Pro to your backup computer. Installation instruction can be found at: 2. Go to Parameters ---> Internet Config window and select the 'Set MyPMS backup' button, both this and the Network Manger must be on. Also the MyPMS backup flag in the BookingCenter admin area needs to be on (This is for BookingCenter Staff only). Make sure BookingCenter is notified when you are going to start this process. Now your booking actions: Adding new bookings, cancelling them, or modifying them; and adding folio Charges and Payments will all trigger download events into the Desktop backup system. 3.Make sure you have an ID: RENT saved as an inventory item in the desktop (Parameters | Inventory Item Details). THis Inventory ID must be RENT and can have a description of whatever you wish. 4. It is also imperative that the IDs for your receipts, sources and inventory items match perfectly between systems (i.e. (Parameters | Inventory Item Details in the Desktop match the ones setup in MyPMS under Setup | Parameters | Inventory Item Details). 5. Get your Letters ready for both systems. We have found that re-creating the letters in the back-up Desktop system will allow for a smoother transition if your internet does go out and you have to check in or check out from the backup. To recreate letters go to Parameters --> Booking System --> Letters. The Desktop for Back is a system to be used when/if power/internet dies. Then you must re-enter the data into MyPMS when the power/internet returns. To get a clear work-flow for this, see the article: What Reports and Data do do I use to enter into MyPMS when my internet is back?