Knowledgebase: Online Bookings
Facebook: Adding the Booking Engine to Your Facebook Listing
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 13 Feb 2012 11:32 AM

Any BookingCenter customer can create their own Facebook engine via use of the Facebook coding tools. To use the BookingCenter-designed App for Facebook and have us assist you in placing it on your Facebook page or analyze its effectiveness, the 'Premium Marketing contract' MSO contract is required (click here: to request the service or call us at +1-707-874-3922 ext 201).

The Facebook application can run as an iFrame in your Facebook page or as a full Canvas Page. There is a Facebook sample at: - feel free to make a booking to see how it works.

Then, contact us at to request the service or call us at +1-707-874-3922 ext 201 to get a booking engine on your Facebook page today.

The technical instructions for doing this are on the document attached to this article.

 1342113385165_BookingCenter_Facebook_Integration.pdf (277.26 KB)