Search Bookings in MyPMS: Active Search and Search Bookings
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 18 Feb 2011 08:24 AM

Quickly locate guests with Active Search and Search Bookings in MyPMS

Active Search
To quickly locate an "active guest', use the Active Search located next to the Quick list for "Arrivals", "Inhouse" and "Departures"at the top of the Front Desk.

This search will only locate an "active" guest that meets the following criteria:

  • They have already checked out today,
  • They are currently in-house or,
  • They are due to arrive today.

To locate an "active" guest, search by first name, last name or room #.

For more information on Active Search, see online manual Active Search and Quick list

Search Bookings

The other, more advanced, search option is called 'Search Bookings'. This is a comprehensive search of Guests and Bookings that can be as broad or detailed as needed.The results can be either viewed on screen or saved via a '.CSV' (comma separated values) file that can be opened in any text or spreadsheet program. For example, create a list Arrvals for the next weekend or a list of bookings for a certain room type or room for the upoming month. Or, maybe you want a list of all guests who stayed last October so that you can send a marketing email.

To use the Search Bookings function, go to BOOKINGS | SEARCH BOOKINGS

  • To Create Lists or Reports: Use single or multiple search criteria  to narrow the search parameters and create very specific data.The lists can be exported to Excel or CSV for more detailed sorting and to import in a marketing database. Saving Reports to Excel
  • Locate Guest or Booking: If you need to locate a guest or booking and only have a specific piece of information like the last four digits of the CC#
  • Manage Availability:This function is also useful for managing availability and in identifying discrepancies on the Tape Chart such as, a-1 or a zero. In this case, choose Room "No Room" in the Room Field, in the left column,  to identify bookings missing a Room Assignment. See Resolving Tape Chart Availability Issues

For examples and detailed information on Search Bookings, see the MyPMS Manual Search Bookings.

Download a sample 'Search Bookings' result file that was saved as .CSV here.  

If you also wish to download your entire Guest database, see this article.

See more KnowledgeBase articles on searching:
Booking Made between date ranges:
How do I set a booking to a new guest?:
One Booking Appears Multiple Times, With Additional Guest Names, on a Search Result - why?: