Letters: How do I Print All Registration Cards For My Arrivals
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 15 Sep 2010 09:29 AM

To use this feature, you will first need to designate which Letter you will use as your Registration Card.

  1. Create or edit the Letter you would like to use as your registration card. See Letters: Add Letters in MyPMS
  2. Then go to Setup | Parameters | Letters and choose the letter you wished to use for the Registration Card and choosing it in the dropdown menu at the top right 'Default Letter' at top.
  3. To Print Registration Cards: Go to REPORTS. Under DAILY REPORTS and click on the Arrivals Report. When the screen opens you will see the button "Print all Registration Cards". By clicking this, you can print reg cards for all arrivals scheduled that day.

We have seen situations where the formatting of the Letter, when saved to a .PDF as occurs from this 'Print All Registration Cards' feature, overlaps to a second page, resulting in 2 pages for each Registration Letter. If this is happening to you, simply go into the Letters area ( Setup | Parameters | Letters ) and edit the Letter to reduce the text's font or amount of text to 'shrink' it to fit one page and try again. After a few back and forths, it will come out as desired. See Letters: Edit and customize

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