Knowledgebase: Travel Agents
How to Sell Through Wholesale and Call Center Agents and use the Agents Area at
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 09 Jun 2010 11:17 AM

How to Sell Through Wholesale and Call Center Agents and use the Agents Area at

For a call center application, or working with one or more Agents directly, a property (or group) can use the 'Agents Area' at: to work 24 x 7 with their agent network.

Selling Through Agents and/or Call Centers
An example of a Travel Agent / Call Center application can be seen and demonstrated online. Use of this 'Wholesale Agent' concept is available at no extra cost to BookingCenter customers. It simply becomes part of their Booking Engine. To see it in action, visit:
Please, make a booking - use "Fax or Phone" as a payment type, so that you can complete the booking without entering a credit card. Buy a Room or a Package - these are allocated Rooms/Packages to this specific 'Agent' and there is no limit to how many rates or packages can be sold to the Agent - only how many rooms are actually available.

After making a booking, login to and use the Agent code used in the booking example above:
ID: jeff
password: love

See the bookings? A property can give access to their Agents to this area so that the Agent can track the status - and any changes - to their bookings from any web browser.

The demo above shows how a property (or group of properties) can work with Agents or Call Centers to view and manage the status of each booking and observe their commissions in real-time. It is a value-added service available at no extra cost to BookingCenter customers who use Agents.  Again, look at for more information on how we manage your Agents in BookingCenter and for a HelpDesk article on the Wholesale Agent feature in more detail.

If your Agents or Call Centers want even more access to your properties, The LDS / Portal product offered by BookingCenter is a full-featured 'Call Center' application for aggregated property info and a way to book at preferred rates.