Preparing for an On-Site Training on MyPMS
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 30 Aug 2021 02:27 PM
To get each of your Users familiar with the system, it is best if they spend some time self-learning basic operations so BookingCenter can focus on-site training on more complex issues. To this end, we recommend asking your staff to follow the Training Guide (from home, ythe local library, or the hotel, as it’s available to all) so they have a basic understanding of the system prior to our trainer's arrival.
1. Prepare the MyPMS Training Manual Click this link : to explore the MyPMS Training Guide. Use this for quickly getting up to speed on the MyPMS system - it's designed to train staff on basic operations using our public demo.
2. Login to the ‘instant demo' system of MyPMS here. Just click the ’Start Instant Demo’ button to begin.
3. Learn by Experience It is important to actually make bookings and cancel them to get the 'experience' of using the system prior to going live with your own data. The login info above is demo data and there is NO harm in making bookings and then canceling them (or making folio charges, payments, etc), it is OK to learn this way. In fact, using it hard is what teaches best lessons - you can not hurt the system :-)
4. On Site Overview Who will set the times and agenda of the Training, the BookingCenter trainer or the GM/Owner? Whoever will be the lead should schedule and articulate who needs to be where and when. The PMS "cutover” time should be an explicit decisions between the BookingCenter trainer and the GM/Owner. If there were a Booking Import(s) and otehr data files from a prior system, it was clearly agreed when these would be run and the 'gaps' that occur between the running of the import files and the trainng date. If Booking were imported, have teh leader (whoever generated the 'bookings file') find the 'delta' between the 'old system' and MyPMS. Usually it is as simplea as running an 'Arrivals Report' from both systems to make sure all bookinsg were imported. If there is a 'gap' identify why and for what cause and eitehr try and perfomr another import, or accept those 'gaps' will be done by staff manually. The focus of the Training after the switchover has occured is usually in this order:
The process above can be done in one day for a small property if all stay are present for a complete 8-10 hor day. Else 2 days for larger properties and situations where staff need to be trained in 'shifts'.
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