EMV Device Troubleshooting and Your Local Network
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 27 Jan 2021 06:36 PM

EMV devices are network devices that must be on the same subnet as the machines that will connect to the EMV device(s). Thus, your Mac, PC, ipad, tablet, etc must all be on the same network as the EMV device.  For this reason, nearly all installations make the EMV device a DHCP device so that your local router (the same one used for your Mac, PC, ipad, tablet, etc) assigns an IP address to the EMV device on the same network.


When the EMV device starts up, it 'registers' itself with BookingCenter and we DNS (serve a name) of that LAN IP address to a service we maintain so that all machines on the LAN can access the EMV device.  Simply re-starting the device can solve many problems.


If you are having trouble connecting to the device from MyPMS, go to your Setup Area | PMS | EMV device (URL) and view the field: 

Date Changed: 12-MAY-2020 12:17:43

This tells you that the device did register with the bookingCenter service at 5:12 pm on May 2020. If this is not the time that you last re-started the device, then it's not connecting to the BookingCenter servers.  The most likely cause is that the router is unplugged from the device - check the cable and try again.


To verify that your Mac, PC, ipad, tablet, etc is on the same LAN as the EMV device, find the LAN address used by a device behind your router (here is an instruction posted by a university for finding on various platforms) and verfiy that the LAN IP address of your PC, Mac, ipda, etc is

IP Address: on the same subnet as the device (whihc you can find in MyPMS in the Setup Area | PMS | EMV device (URL)).  In the example above, all of your Mac, PC, iPads, tablets, etc need to have a LAN IP address in the range - if they don't, then the solution will likely not work.


Another common error is that the device network settings were chnaged - nearly always these need to be DHCP.  Contact your merchant account rep to see if the device's settings have changed (BookingCenter can't access that).



Static IP Address

If the EMV device is to be accessed over the public network, this is possible but the custoemr must then setup teh device with a statis IP address and pay your internet company to allocate a 'statis IP' to your device so it cane be addressed over teh public internetwork.  This dos present some security risks (hackers might try and access that device), so proceed with an installation like this with caution, as BookingCenter warns against it and accepts no responsibiioty for security violations in an installation like this.



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