MyPMS is Running Slow, slow internet
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 18 Sep 2020 04:51 PM

We receive notice from customers who state that the MyPMS is going slow, when we show no prpblems nor other customers report any slow downs.  There can be many reaosns for this, but the easiest ways to reolve this are the following (in terms of simplicity for you and your staff, start at top and work down).


Restart the Computers

Often a simple restart of each comnputer will solve any issue.


Restart the internet modem you're connected to.

Find your internet device, either wi-fi or the ADSL/cable modem router your Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides to you, and shut it down for 10 seconds. Then restart it and wait a few minutes till you can conect again.


Try a different connection

Try from your mobile phone or another device connected to the internet through a different connection. Does this resolve the issue?  If the mobile network is loading MyPMS fine, then it's possible your internet service provider is having a 'slow down' or your router needs to be re-set (simply power cycle the router for 10 seconds as above) or replaced (your internet service provider can run some tests on it.


Perform a Speed Test 

For a person who understands network routing, from yuor location, using your wire;ess and/or wired devices, perform a speed test at whihc including latency, upload and download speeds.  Often times you can use this camparison to guage the varaible perfomance of your Internet Service Provider (ISP).


These are tools any of your users can try. If the problems persist, Google "internet technician help in my area" and find a Local technician who can assess and help find a faster internet solution.


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