Knowledgebase: Problem Bookings
Failure to Integrate Messages, or Booking/Cancellation Missed messages from
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 17 Sep 2020 10:28 AM
Sometimes sends a fax or email to you when we can’t pick up the message. These events usually happen due to network congestion or errors on’s side. We see them once in awhile, and there is nothing we can do about this, as will not re-que messages (as Expedia and airbnb do, for example) if they can’t deliver the message in the interval they require before that property notification occurs.
Another event that can cause these notifications direct to you, if a booking was made to and then a cancellation was made before we received the initial booking message. In this case we reject the ‘cancellation message’ as there is a potential for error we prefer the customer to verify.
In any case, these messages to a property are intended by and BookingCenter to alert you to bookings that need additional verification. They are rare, but better than the alternative - a lost booking.
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