Airbnb reservation requests and OVER bookings
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 12 Sep 2020 12:19 PM

If you are using the "Reservation request" feature of airbnb, and a guest made a reservation request prior to making the booking, Airbnb holds that room availability for 24hrs.  This gives the guest a booking if they confirm within that 24 hour time period, even if your availability has changed (for example, a booking via your website, Expedia, etc).


BookingCenter will send an update to Airbnb, possibly closing out the room, but because you allowed 'Reservation Requests' that booking will still be valid for the 24 hours.  And thus, if the booking is confirmed by the Guest, you can now have a double booking if that room was booked via another channel.


If you wish to avoid this fate, disable reservation requests, and only accept instant bookings from Airbnb.


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