Adding a Cleaning fee or Meal Plan into a Rate
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 26 Apr 2020 12:48 PM

If one wished to Place a Cleaning or Meal Plan fee(s) into a Rate (common requests from our customers), there are a few ways to do it:

  1. If the Cleaning fee is for tracking purposes only, and is already embedded into the Rate, then the easiest way is to use the 'Include Items' approach that is defined here.  This assumes the Rate has the price for the ‘fee’ built-in, and there is no need to make a specific Folio Charge. Basically, you wish to have a simple way to track Cleaning fees or a Meal Plan for specific bookings.  
  2. If the need for price variation exists, ie, in one Room you want a $35 cleaning fee applied to the Rate, but another Room requires a $65 cleaning fee AND/OR you want the fee added as a Folio Charge to the booking, then you have two choices: 
    1. Use the Item Included Rate that is available for an Item to be added to a Rate and tracked with and/or without Costs and Taxes.  This is availale to all MyPMS and Channel Manager customers and is free, fast, and easy to setup.
    2. Use the Package Module to include multiple Item(s) in a Rate, dynamically priced with each Item taxed propertly and in the right recurring amount, based on the booking duration. This is a more comprehensive approach, but requires the purchase of the Package Module to enact.

In the case of the Package approach, the steps are as follows:

  1. Make sure you have purchased the Package Module for your property.    Contact us if you need this for your property.
  2. Figure out the Items you are going to need included in your Packages.  See: Adding and Managing Items for help doing this.
  3. Build the Package Rate you need for each unique Item you want, making sure to get the descriptions, "from" "to:" (when it's available) and other aspects of the Package correct.  This is when you will add the Items you created in Step 2 above.  Make sure to get the price correct when you add Item(s) to the Package.
  4. Once you have the Packages built correctly, you need to need to allocate them to where you want them booked, and with the correct Room Types you want them made available.  See: Allocating Packages for details on doing this.  You llikely will want your website (usuallly Agent: BC) and front desk (Agent: MYPMS) as places these Packages can be booked.
  5. Make some test bookings and watch how the Items that were included in the Package get posted to the Folio and affect the Rate.  You can cancel your bookings after fine-tuning this.


For more help understanding Packages, see the "Packages - Top Help Articles" page.

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