Failed Deposit authorizations using XML with payment processing
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 05 Mar 2019 10:16 AM

Failed authorizations using XML with payment processing

If a Site is using MyCard (TSYS, Vital, Visanet, or Authorizenet) as payment gateway, and the Site is set to take 'Online Deposits' (ie, some money is needed before confirming a booking) and a specific Booking cannot authorize the amount required by the Deposit, then the developer needs to know what can happen.

The basic response codes from a credit card attempted authorization will show the Booking ID that has been 'saved' in INCOMPLETE status and the message "Failute to obtain authorization".

Note that the booking is now holding inventory, as it's a real booking with a Booking ID.  But it's going to stay in Status= INCOMPLETE for 15 minutes to give the XML developer time to provide a valid card in order to obtain the authorization for the deposit amount.  If the 15 minutes passes and there is no authorization posted to the booking, the booking will be cancelled and the inventory 'freed up'. The Room could then be-rebooked.

The method to update the Booking in Status= INCOMPLETE is to send the 'Update Authorization' message and get a verification that the authorization is now saved.  The booking then gets updated to become Status=CONFIRMED and the deposit amount is posted against the Booking in BookingCenter.

If the XML developer does not update the booking as described above, the booking information will be saved but as a CANCELLED booking.

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