Complimentary or Free Rates in a Booking
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 30 Jun 2018 10:24 AM

There are many times when a property wishes to use a Complimentary or Free Rate in a Booking.  There are ways to do this, but we usually recommend the approach that gives the best tracking analysis of Comp Rooms.  


Best apporach: Create a rate plan you call 'comp' or 'free', make it $0,  and assign this $0 value Rate to the day(s) you wish to comp a booking.  This way, one can run a number of Reports and find out  'how many?' comp rates were given over a time period by searching via Rate.  How to make a Rate?  See:


Another approach is to simply make a Manual entry for the Rate you have assigned and make the value $0.  This works, as well, but requires manual intervention as well as makes identifying 'how many?' comp rates were given over a time period.


It may be a good idea to also use a Guest Type code for the types of 'comp rooms' being given, such as 'owners' or 'employees' so one can differentiate betwen the comp rooms given over a time period.


There have been some managers who wish these 'comp rooms' to not have any implication on ADR or REVPAR.  In this case, it is important to keep the Rates as normal, but issue a Payment on the Folio that 'writes off' or 'comps' the cost of the booking as a business loss.  This requires giving staff the ability to choose a Payment method on Folios that could possibly be mis-used, so proceeed with caution with this apporoach.

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