If you are having issues with the Expedia retail site displaying your Availability, Rates, Inventory (ARI) correctly, please follow the steps outlined below so we may troubleshoot where the disconnect is happening.
- If you are searching for your property on Expedia's retail site and getting a.) Incorrect Rates, b.) Incorrect Availability, or c.) "Hotel is Sold Out" (and it is not), please do the following:
- If your rates and/or availability are incorrect on Expedia retail, try clearing your cache on your computer to jog out old search results. Search again for your hotel.
- "Hotel is Sold Out" usually points to a restriction setting in either Expedia connection not yet confirmed or your property is on a Stop Sell with Expedia. Please contact your Expedia Market Manager to inquire about the state of your connection.
- If your rates and availability are still incorrect
- Are your rates and availability correct in MyPMS?
- Are your correct rooms and rates allocated to your Expedia agents in your MyPMS?