Displaying Individual Room Type Calendars
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 15 Oct 2014 04:54 PM

The Booking Engine can be enabled to display a drop-down menu so that your visitors can select a specifc Room Type to see a calendar of availabilty for that Type.

For Desktop users, choose Parameters| Internet ConfigurationsOnline Config and then check the box that states "Display Individual Type calendars" and then do a Full Update to enable the feature.  

For MyPMS and Management Tool users, from the Setup area, choose the Settings tab; then the Booking Engine Settings; and enable the Show Room Type Calendars = YES

Once saved, look at your basic 'enquiry' link such as:https://requests.bookingcenter.com/enquiry.phtml?site=<SiteID>.  There is a drop down to allow users to select the specific Room Type allocated.


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