Guest Types: “Warn On Check-in” Flag
Posted by Erica Johnson on 04 Oct 2014 03:50 PM

The “Warn On Check-in” flag gives you the option of setting a "warning" pop-up message when a specific Guest Type is checking in. With this option enabled any Guest Type that set to YES in ‘Warn on Checkin’ will automatically show a warning message when checking in. This feature is designed to help staff by alerting them to special requirements on Guest check-in. Examples of this can include "problem" guests, guests that need special attention, etc.

To enable the “Warn On Check-in” Flag for a specific Guest Type, go to SETUP | PARAMETERS | GUEST TYPES.

  • To create a new Guest Type, click Add
  • To edit a current Guest Type, click on the Guest Type I.D. and click Edit.
  • Enable Flag: Set the "Warn on check-in" to YES or NO. The "Yes" will enable the warning message feature. 

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