Bookings: Mark Room Out of Order
Posted by Erica Johnson on 25 Jul 2014 01:40 PM

When a room is marked as Out of Order status, the room will not be offered as an available room to be assigned for reservations or check-ins for the effective dates. Additionally, the room will not be counted in your occupancy statistics. The room will be indicated as XXXX status and labeled Out of Order on the Housekeeping reports.

To place a room(s) "Out of Order", go the BOOKINGS|TAPE CHART.

  • Click on the Room in the left hand column and a pop up box will appear. Click on Mark Out of Order.
  • Another pop-up box will appear. Choose the date range and enter a Reason if needed.
  • Click Save

To "Make a Room Available", go the BOOKINGS|TAPE CHART. 

  • Click on the Out of Order Room in the Tape Chart and a pop up box will appear.
  • Click on "Make Room Available" and the Out of order status will be removed from the Room and Tape Chart.

Related Articles:

Blocking out rooms for a specific time period

Out of Order (OOO) status will not release from a room

Reports: Why do some rooms not show on the Out of Order Report?

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