MyCard | Multiple Authorizations in Manage Credit Cards
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 21 Jul 2014 08:51 AM

Why Do I see Multiple Authorizations in Manage Credit Cards, When Using MyCard, and How Does This Affect My Guest?

Properties will notice that often times, when using MyCard, that the Manage Credit Card screen shows multiple authorizations, as well as the date such authorizations were acquired and settled.  Most often, this is due to a property setup to use 'Auth at Checkin' to receive an authorization for the remainder of the 'projected income' amount plus a 'one time auth' plus a 'nightly auth fee' as detailed in the MyCard section of the MyPMS Manual.

If the property then posts additional charges that makes the necessary payment greater than intially predicted (ie, what was 'auth'ed at checkin), then MyCard will go retrieve an additional authorizations to cover this increased amount(s).  MyCard does this 'in the background', but displays the authorization details in the Manage Credit Cards screen.  If your guest is watching their credit card statement online during their stay, they will see these authorizations as 'pending' and might get concerned that these are 'charges'. Tell them not to worry - when you pay the folio at checkout, in a single payment, these auths all get combined into that single payment and the card holder will see a single transaction on their bill.

This happens when you settle the batch.  The multiple auths all get settled from the merchant processor, to the card holder, as a single transaction.  Thus, if you have an auth for $150, and another auth for $45 that was created when a single payment of $195 was paid to a folio, then the batch report will show these 2 authorizations settling, but the card holder will see a single transaction from your property for $195 on their credit card statement.

See our online manual for detailed instructions, examples and tips on  MyPMS MyCard


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