Reports: Why do some rooms not show on the Out of Order Report?
Posted by Jesse Chieppa on 10 Jul 2014 06:19 PM

Properties sometimes report that rooms that they have marked out of order aren't properly showing on the out of order report.  

The most common cause of this occuring is that the default rate plan assigned to the room type of the room not showing in the report has been deleted.  Because the Out Of Order report contains a column for calculating lost revenue when the default rate plan no longer exists no results are returned.

Prior to contacting BookingCenter support for issues with rooms not showing up on the Out of Order report please check the default rate plan of the room type and make sure that it corresponds to a valid live rate plan.

To do so go to Setup -> Rates -> Room Types and view the room type in question.  Make a note of the default rate plan assigned and then validate that rate plan exists on Setup -> Rates -> Default Rates.  If the room type default rate incorrectly points to a legacy rate no longer in the system please update the default rate plan for that room type.

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