Tracking Requests, Admin, XML, and specific User Activity in Logs
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 13 Jun 2014 08:41 AM

When bookings are made, there is a log saved for MyPMS users in the 'Edited By' column of the Log.  Bookings made by your staff should be obvious, such as 'Bob_M' was made by your user Bob_M at that time specified.

We define the other users you may notice here:

Admin - this meant the booking was created by a travel system that is part of the Global Booking Network (GDS, Pegasus, OTA system_ that you use BookingCenter to connect to.

Requests - this meant the booking was created by the Booking Engine that BookingCenter provides for making bookings, usually from your website, FaceBook, or TripAdvisor listing.

XML - this meant the booking was created by an XML interface developed by your webmaster; or an XML service you use such as Easy Innkeeper, buuteeq, or others we support.

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