Knowledgebase: Reporting
Reports: Item Analysis Report
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 23 May 2014 09:14 AM

The Item Analysis Report displays all of the Inventory Items sold in "Add Charge" OTHER than Room Rent in a chosen date range.The Report includes the Booking #, Room, Folio Name, Item, Date, User, QTY, Extended Price.

The Report is categorized by Inventory Group which can be setup in SETUP | PARAMETERS | INVENTORY GROUPS.  There can be as many Inventory Items and Groups as needed. See Inventory Items

If further detail is needed on any category, then use the Transactions Report and select the "Transaction Category" in the drop-down menu and use the same date range to get a detailed list of transaction in that category. You can also leave the drop down on "Select from list" for a list of all transactions during the time frame.

Note: Items can be charged for future dates, such as check-in date, so that the item charge on the folio coincides with the booking dates or to use the Item Analysis Report to plan for items that need to be ready for upcoming guest bookings. For example, a guest orders flowers and you need to know which bookings for the upcoming week to order flowers for. Learn how to post charges to the folio on dates in the future, see Advanced Charges to Folio

All advanced charged can also be tracked in the Advanced Charges Report (tracking what Charges are to be delivered in the future)

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