Booking: Add a New Booking
Posted by Erica Johnson on 08 May 2014 03:30 PM

There are three ways to make a booking. All three open to same NEW BOOKING window.  For step-by-step instructions, go to the online manual at New Booking

  1. Booking By Inquiry  
  2. Booking By Availability
  3. Tape Chart

To add a new Booking follow these steps:

  • First, go the BOOKING TAB in the Front Desk. Choose your preferred booking method.
  • Choose from the date, rate plan, room or room type and you will see the NEW BOOKING button.(The same booking window opens for all three options.)
  • Click the NEW BOOKING button and it will open in a new browser window.
  • Complete the booking by first choosing the Rate Plan and Room and then entering Guest Information. This information will appear in the Booking Tab of the Booking once it is completed. (A Room must be assigned to see the booking on on the Tape Chart.)
  • When finished, click COMPLETE BOOKING.

Useful features and Tips:

  • Source and Guest Types will automatically populate for existing guests records when entered as a new booking.  

Guest Information

  • Auto-fill:
    • Return Guests: Most Guest information fields can be auto filled by typing in a partial or full name or address of guest.
    • First-time Guests: enter the zip code and the city and state will automatically populate.
  • Reset Guest I.D. : This feature is used in Group Bookings to save individual gues information while remaining as part of the Group. See Reset Guest ID

Booking Information

  1. Source and Guest type is required. Source (I.e. Repeat Guest, Walk-in, Website, Trip Advisor) and Guest Types (I.e.Corporate, local, Tour). Go to SETUP | PARAMETERS to set up Sources and Guest Types.
  2. Booking Comments: These will appear on on email and letters to guests and to maids and on Housekeeping sheets.
  3. Guest comments: Stays with Guest. Not visible to Guest.
  4. Projected Income: Total of the projected Room Rent of stay based on Rate Plan.
  5. Guarenteed by. Choose the payment type (Receipt type). You are just indicating how you will take payment NOT charging anything to the Guest. To use our Direct Bill and AR system, see Understanding the Accounts Receivables (AR) and Direct Bill System

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