How do I understand mappings with the Aerius or ISISPOS interface?
Posted by Jesse Chieppa on 16 Nov 2012 12:12 AM

How do I understand mappings with the Aerius or ISISPOS interface?

Because ISISPOS/Aerius sends us the sums of sales departments and taxes we must map these to taxes and inventory items in MyPMS.


ISISPOS/Aerius doesn't send us unique menu items, instead they send us the sum of all menu items within the same sales department. These sales departments are sent to us in the S1-S9 message.

These sales departments must be mapped to inventory items in MyPMS so we know how to post them to the guests folio. These mappings are a 1:1 event as each sales department used in isis must be mapped to a unique inventory item.

Inventory Items mapped to the messages sent from ISIS must have their taxes defined properly, and must match tax rates set in ISISPOS/Aerius .


ISISPOS/Aerius  sends us the sum of all taxes in each tax category in the T1-T9 message. Because these tax percentages must match, you must map the tax values coming form ISIS to the correct tax in MyPMS.


ISISPOS/Aerius provides the ability to post a gratuity during the Room Charge event. As such we must map the TP message to an inventory item in order to post it properly on a folio.

Service Charges:

ISISPOS/Aerius provides the ability to post a service charge to a check. This is sent to us in the form of the SC message and can either be a taxable or non taxable event, however it must be defined as either taxable or non taxable during setup.