Rates: How do I add another Rate Plan option to a Room Type in MyPMS?
Posted by Jason Mispagel on 24 Sep 2012 10:11 AM

To create multiple rate choices when booking a room, you will need to add the additional rate in the Agents Area.

  • Go to Setup|Relationships|Agent Relationships Page.
  • Find Agent "MyPMS" on that screen. This is the Agent for your Front Desk MyPMS Bookings.
  • In the Rooms Allocated Column, click on the # of Rooms. (example:" 5 of 5").
  • Now your in the Allocations Screen for this Agent.
  • Press the "Add Allocation" Button at the Bottom Right of this screen. This will allow you to add the Room Type and additional Rate Plan.
  • Then Press Save.

The Front Desk users will now be able to choose this additional rate from the drop-down menu when booking a room.