How do I prepare my property to use Aerius or ISISPOS point of sale?
Posted by Jesse Chieppa on 03 Jul 2012 09:10 AM

How do I prepare my property to use Aerius or ISISPOS point of sale?

Prior to going live with ISISPOS/Aerius Point of sale system you need to configuration settings within the setup area to properly map Sales Categories and Taxes to Inventory Items in MyPMS. You must have purchased the ISIS Module for this to work for your use. Contact or by phone at +1-707-874-3922 ext 201 to buy this.

Mapping Sales Categories:
Within ISISPOS/Aerius your individual menu items belong to sales categories. As an example of this you may have 30 varieties of Wine on your menu, but they may all belong to a single Sales Category.

When posting a check to a room we aren't sent each individual line item, instead we get the totals of each sales category. As such we have to map each sales category to an inventory item within MyPMS that will post to the folio.

To do so we go into the setup area by clicking on Setup | PMS | ISISPOS/Aerius . There you will see Inventory Items 1-8 and a field for Tips and Service Charge. Inventory Items 1-8 are what you will map to Sales Categories 1-8 in ISIS.

When mapping a sales category you simply select the inventory item from the drop down that you wish that sales category to map to. If existing Inventory Items don't fit your needs you may add as many new Inventory Items as required under Parameters | Inventory Items.


The Tax percentage on the Inventory Items mapped to the ISIS Sales Category 1-8 must match the taxes defined in ISISPOS/Aerius . Any mismatch between the two will result in an error when trying to post. Please make sure the tax rates match on the mapped inventory items and in ISIS backoffice.


Tips are always added at the guest's discretion. There is never a sales tax on this amount and it goes to the server at the end of their shift.

Your Tips needs to be correctly mapped between ISIS and MyPMS. This is done on Setup | PMS | ISISPOS/Aerius with the Tips field. Make sure that the Inventory Item you have Tips mapped to has a 0 tax rate defined.

Service Charges:

Service charges get added to a check like a menu item before the bill is presented to the guest. Sometimes the house retains the charge and sometimes it is paid to the server. Sometimes they have sales tax (the case in Canada or UK, for example) but this is optional.

Your Service Charge (and tax if applicable) needs to be correctly mapped between ISIS and MyPMS. This is done on Setup | PMS | ISISPOS/Aerius with the Service Charge field. Make sure the Inventory Item that Service Charge is mapped to has the correct tax rate defined.


If you are using Discounts in ISIS, those discounts are taken into account in ISISPOS/Aerius but the 'net' bill to the guest is what will appear in MyPMS. Any detail on how the discount was applied to the original ISISPOS/Aerius bill will have to be viewed in ISIS.