Letters: Edit and Customize BookingCenter Desktop
Posted by - NA - on 09 Jan 2008 03:05 PM

Using BookingCenter Pro you can use any of the standard letters we include with the Demo as a 'start' to editing your own. Or you can chose to create your own custom letters, that can have more options for formatting text, etc.

To use the easy 'built in' word processor that allows you to merge any of the fields in BookingCenter, follow the instructions on the attached "Making_Custom_Letters.pdf" document attached to this KowledgeBase. The area you will build and edit these Letters is found in BookingCenter at Parameters | Booking System | Letters.

To get detailed instructions on using Mail Merge Letters (ie, ooutside templates you wish to use) with BookingCenter Desktop See This web page has a lengthy document explaining how this is done and includes sample Microsoft Word documents you can download and use.

By far, the easiest way is to use the built in Letter tools word processor that is found at Parameters | Booking System | Letters.

 1265140509204_Making_Custom_Letters.pdf (1.27 MB)