Importing Your Past Guest Database Into BookingCenter
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 03 Apr 2012 08:16 PM

The BookingCenter Desktop and MyPMS software allows you to import Guests from previous management systems or from databases you have kept of past Guests. We provide a sample database file (comma delimited or CSV) for download to prepare your Guest database for import into BookingCenter. (See Attachment)

In order to use the sample file, attached here, it's assumed you can export your Guest database from your current system using software such as, MS Excel. Simply ask your current provider how to do this - it's a common process used in marketing campaigns, and most systems have documentation to get all guest data out (both guests from the past as well for future bookings). Once the data is out, look at in whatever data tools (like Excel or Apple's Numbers) to ‘massage’ your Guest data into the database file referenced here so that BookingCenter can import your old records.

To import your Guest database:

  1. Open the .cvs sample file, attached here, in Excel.
  2. Open the file that is your Guest database, exported from your old system, in Excel.
  3. Copy & paste the correct columns from YOUR database into the appropriate fields in the sample BookingCenter database referenced above.
  4. Send the completed, cleansed, and synchronized, Ezxcel file to your Setup and Training Rep.

Your Setup and Training Rep will assist you if you get stuck during the process.

 guest_import.csv (0.42 KB)