Understanding Credit Card, Accounts, and Capture when saving a Booking
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 19 Feb 2012 09:53 PM

Understanding Credit Card, Accounts, and Capture when saving a Booking

Users of the XML must save a booking with a live receipt Type for the Site.

If you are saving a booking with a Receipt Type that is set as a 'Credit Card', the XML requires that the transaction be set as "Capture", "Auth" or "Payment".

"Auth" or "Payment" can only occur if the Site has a valid Payment gateway enabled in BookingCenter (MyCard or Authorizenet). And "Auth" or "Payment can only work if the amount to be transacted is > $.01. $0 auths are not allowed. If an 'auth' is chosen, then no payment will be applied to the booking, so the 'auth' method should, rarely (if ever) be used.

If the Site does not have a Payment gateway turned on, or the Site does not require any deposit when saving a booking, the payment card type must be set as "Capture" if credit card info is to be saved with the booking.

If the option "Account" is chosen, then it is assumed that the transaction is not requiring any credit card details to be saved and the booking will save with no 'Guaranteed by' saved. This is not recommended but does offer flexibility for Sites who wish to save bookings without any credit card details saved.

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