How can I tell financial details of a booking at a glance?
Posted by Jesse Chieppa on 23 Jun 2011 10:29 AM
How can I tell financial details of a booking at a glance?To provide a better 360 degree financial overview of a booking we've enhanced the booking header to show four financial rows regardless of what tab is selected on the booking. With a booking loaded in the second row of the booking header you will see the following four financial rows: Projected Inc Projected Inc + Charges Projected Bal Folio Bal These are calculated as follows: Projected Inc - This is the Projected Income of the booking and the estimated Accommodation revenue plus estimated tax. Projected Inc + Charges - This is the sum of Projected Income plus any charges on all folios of the booking. Projected Bal - This is the sum of Projected Income plus any charges on all folios minus any payments on all folios. Folio Bal - This is the current balance across all folios of the booking. | |