How can I control if website bookings are automatically assigned a room?
Posted by Jesse Chieppa on 23 Jun 2011 10:23 AM

Properties often have different paradigms when it comes to assigning rooms to website bookings. Some want to always manually assign the room and, others wish to have the system assign a room to the booking when it's made. There is a flag that defines the system behavior for BookingEngine website bookings for MyPMS clients.

In the Setup area under Settings -> Booking Engine Settings in the General section you will find a flag titled "Room assignment".

  • If  this is set to "Don't Assign", a booking engine booking will come in with "Type" only and, staff will have to manually assign a specific room prior to, or during, check in. 
  • If set to "Assign", the system will automatically assign a specific room from the booked "Type" when the booking is made.

Note that if you are using an XML 'web services' interface to BookingCenter, then often a booking will literally NOT SAVE when you require automatically assigning a specific room.  Because few XML developers are willing to manage the complex requirements of saving to specific Rooms, we recommend setting to "Don't Assign" and allowing your online bookings to save to a Type only - then allocate to a specific room - in order to avoid loss of business that you could provide.