How do I remove an incorrectly applied payment to a Credit Card?
If you incorrectly applied a payment to a credit card on a guests folio it can be removed as long as it is still in unsettled status. When looking at the folio if the payment is in unsettled status there will be a blue hyperlink titled 'Remove' as shown in the example below 23-JUN-2011 23-JUN-2011 BC Visa Visa 1111 1 $-1.00 Remove Clicking on the Remove button will remove the payment from the folio and take it out of the pending settlement batch. At this time only unsettled payments to a credit card can be removed from a folio. The ability to remove unsettled refunds will be introduced in a future release. Please be aware that removing a payment to a credit card from a folio does not modify the authorization against that card. Should you need to release the authorization you would need to void the authorization. Steps on how to void an authorization are detailed in KB Article