Authorize at Checkin and Manual Authorization: What's the difference?
Posted by Jesse Chieppa on 23 Jun 2011 10:05 AM

MyPMS clients who use our MyCard integrated payment gateway have two available methods for determining how to process credit card authorizations:  "Auth on Checkin" or "Manual Authorization".

"Auth on Check-in"

This setting enables automatic authorization at check-in. When this setting is enabled, the MyCard system Authorizes the guest credit card chosen in the "guaranteed by" upon check in. If this setting is NOT enabled, then you must manually authorize the credit card.  The settings are located in the setup area. Go to SETUP | PMS | SETUP. The bottom section titled "Authorization" contains the the settings.

There are three settings in the "Auth on Check in"

  • Auth on Checkin: choose yes to enable this setting.
  • One Time Auth Fee: This is a one time additional authorization above and beyond the projected income. Many properties use this field to gain an additional auth to hold their security deposit.
  • Night Auth Fee: This is an additional authorization amount per night for each night of the booking. I.e. if you had $25 in the Nightly Auth Fee on a 4 night stay the system would authorization an additional $100 ($25 x 4).

How does "Auth on checkin" calculate the amount authorized at checkin? Once this setting is enabled, and the credit card is chosen as the payment method in "Guarantee by" in the Booking , at check in the system will authorize the guarantee by card for the Projected Income of the booking + the One Time Auth Fee (if chosen) +  Nightly Auth Fee(s) (if chosen) minus the total of all receipts on the primary folio.

For example if you had a booking with the following:

- Projected Income $125
- One time Auth $200
- Advanced Deposit on the primary folio $100

At check in the system would process an authorization for $225. ($125 + 200 - $100).

This allows properties to automatically gain an auth to hold funding for the value of the booking + one time or nightly auth policies without over authorizing when an Advance Deposit has been collected.

For step-by-step instuctions on setting this up in MyPMS, see our online manual -  Authorization at Check-in and watch MyCard Auto Authorization

Manual Authorizations

If you do not  have "Auth at Checkin" enabled, then the MyCard system functions in the "Auth Manually" mode. In this case, the system will only process an authorization when either:

  • A payment is made to a folio and no authorizations exist.
  • Or, an authorization amount is specified when a credit card is entered or updated in the Manage Credit Card screen. See Manage Credit Cards

For step-by-step instuctions on adding a manual authorization in MyPMS, see our online manual - Manual Authorization  and watch MyCard Manual/ Incremental Authorization

NOTE: Please be aware that if you are using a magnetic card swiper and intend to obtain swipe value (S) it is important to understand how the different authorization methods effect swipe value. That is covered in KB article

See MyCard Video Tutorials:

MyCard Auto Authorization

MyCard Manual/ Incremental Authorization