Getting Google Analytics to Work With Your Desktop PMS
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 07 Feb 2011 08:50 AM

Getting Google Analytics to Work With Your Desktop PMS

BookingCenter's Booking Engine works to integrate into Google's tracking products, so that customers can track SEO and SEM activity using Google's free tools available - Google Analytics and Google ROI. The details about what is supported and how it is done, can be viewed at:

Here are the basic steps:

1) Setup your Google Analytics account. In order to get support for setting up Google Analytics and Campaign Conversions, customers need to work with their webmaster - it's not a service BookingCenter provides. There are literally THOUSANDS of webmasters skilled in setting up Google Analytics campaigns who can assist you.

2) Once you have setup your Google Analytics account, there is code your webmaster will present to you for entry into the Parameters | Marketing section of BookingCenter Desktop Pro for Version 6 and later customers. If you are using the older Version 4 or 5 of the Desktop PMS, then you must send the codes to BookingCenter either to your sales person or by logging into the Support Area and 'Submitting a Ticket' with the tracking codes. If you are using the older Version 4 or 5 of the Desktop PMS, steps 3 and 4 below are not relevant to you.

3) Once you have done this and saved the changes, filling in both the 'Web Tracking Code' and 'Web Tracking Last Page Code' sections, do a Full Upload. Need help with doing a Full Update after making a change in BookingCenter? See

4) Wait to receive the 'Full Upload Success' email from BookingCenter. This lets you know it was done properly.

5) View the page in your Members Area at: - if the 2 blocks of text ( 'Web Tracking Code' and 'Web Tracking Last Page Code') are not viewable on this page, then you failed at one of the prior steps.

6) Once you see the 'Web Tracking Code' and 'Web Tracking Last Page Code' at, have your webmaster perform some test bookings to validate their Google Analytics setup is working properly.

7) Sit back and watch Analytics show you how your web marketing is performing!

BookingCenter requires that an MSO 'Premium Marketing contract' is in place in order for this to work. Go to: to request the service or call us at +1-707-874-3922 ext 201.