Look in the Items Report area that allows one to run Items reports for tracking Account activity. The main goal is Printing Items Financial and Requirements (Item Groups and Details). The Items Details Reports will tally all the Item Groups (such as MEALS) and Details (such as Dinners) between a given date range. Since each Inventory Group and Type is setup in the Parameters area of Booking-Center, you can have as many Inventory Items and groups as desired.
To run a Items report do the following:
- Choose the Report menu and select “Items”
- Choose what date range you would like:
- Groups —> All Inventory Groups
- Items Only —> Inventory Items will be returned.
- Analysis —> Financial summaries of Items sold
- Requirements —> Total quantity summaries of Items sold
Reports can be run for multiple days or a single day only. It will likely be desired to run one Group report for all meals at the beginning of day to get an estimate for the day’s meal needs, and then an Item Requirements report closer to the time of the meal to see if the total number has changed. Tip! By using the Destination: Screen, you can play around with the options and date ranges without wasting paper from your printer. Also, be using the DATE intelligently when applying an Item onto a Sales Invoice (or Booking or Group Booking Account), one can report for either 'accrual' or 'cash based' method of accounting for the Item. For example, one can sell an Item today, January 12, 2011 and have the date listed as March 23, 2011 on the Account so that that particular Item will appear on that report for when it's actually 'required' to be used -March 23, 2011. Thus, if an Item is future-dated, that item is considered a 'current liability' to be sold/fulfilled at a future date and is not reported on the date for today, January 12, 2011. If the Item has 'today's date' when it's applied to a Sales Invoice (or Booking or Group Booking Account), then this is a 'cash' type of transaction and will be reported for 'today's date'.