Rooms: Add or Edit Rooms
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 24 Sep 2010 11:35 PM

To Add or Edit a Room, go to the Setup area.

Click on Setup | Rates | Rooms and a list of Rooms of your current rooms will appear.  

To edit the information in a Room

  1. Click on the Room ID and click Edit
  2. Change information, Room Type and settings
  3. Click Save.

To Add a Room

  • Click Add (located at the lower, righthand corner of the list)
  • A new window will appear with the form fields to create a new room
  • Enter the room information and choose the settings.
    • Room ID:Enter new room ID
    • Room Type:Choose the Room Type for the Room
    • Description:Enter a Description
    • Publish on Internet:Choose Yes for the room to appear online. Choose NO to take the room offline on ALL channels.
    • Phone Extension:optional
    • Ignore on Occupancy Report:Default setting is NO. If chosen, the room will appear on the occupancy report.
    • Beds:enter # of beds.
    • Availability:Choose type of availability
    • Persons:
    • Extra Persons:
    • Sort:Indicate the order of the Room in the Tape Chart.
    • Disabled Access:indicate yes or no.
    • Notes:optional
  • Click Save and the Room will appear in the Room List and on your Tape Chart and Booking windows.