In the Edit Tab, you can modify the Arrival and Departure Dates, Room Type and Rates of a confirmed, unconfirmed or Active Booking.
Change the Room Type or Room with the same booking dates
If you only need to change the room and/or room type and the booking dates will stay the same, then you have two options.
Option 1: Use the Tape Chart
- Open the Tape Chart
- Move your cursor over the Booking you want to move and left click on your mouse and hold.
- drag the Booking to the new Room.
- If it is a new Room Type, you will get a message to confirm the Room Type change. If you need to modify rates, then go to Option 2.
For step-by-step insturctions see, Change room type and room - Tape chart
Option 2: Use the Edit Tab in the Booking Details
- Open the Booking and go to the Edit Tab
- The Room Type Grid will appear with the selected Room Type on the booking dates shown in blue.
- Remove the current Room Type by clicking on the date and room type, shaded in blue, you want to remove. When you click on the blue cell, it will turn white and the room type is deselected.
- Click on the new Room Type. The selected Room Type will appear blue.
- Click Save
- Choose a new Room in the Room Assignment Tab
For step-by-step insturctions, see Change room type and room - Edit tab
Change the arrival and/or departure dates of a booking
- Open the booking and go to the EDIT TAB.
- The Room Type Grid will appear with the selected Room Type on the booking dates shown in blue.
To Add or remove days from a booking
- To remove days from the booking, click on the blue box on the date you wish to remove. This will deselect it and it will not be blue any longer.
- To add days to the booking, click on the additional date. This can be in the same Room Type or a different Room Type.
- Change or confirm Rates.
- Click Save and assign a Room.
For step-by-step instructions, see Add or Remove Days from Booking
To change the date range of the booking completely
- Click on the blue boxes to deselect the dates. Then use the date picker in the header to choose new dates and click Refresh.
- Then, click on the new dates of the booking in the correct Room Type and the blue boxes will appear on the booking dates.
- Change or confirm Rates.
- Click Save and assign a room.
For step-by-step instructions, see Change Date Range of Booking
Modify Rates
You will be prompted to "get new rates" any time a change is made to a room type or number of guests. If you only want to change rates, then go the "Rate Plan" drop down list below the Room Type grid.
- Open the booking and go to the EDIT TAB.
- The Room Type Grid will appear with the selected Room Type on the booking dates shown in blue.
- Click on the list and choose the new rate plan or Manual.
- You will be prompted to "Get new Rates" .
- Adjust Rates and click Save.
For step-by-step instructions, see Modify Rates