There are times when you may receive an "error" trying to post a credit back to a credit card. This is normally caused by "security hold" on the credit card, it has expired or has been deactivated.
- If the card has expired, please get a updated card number and expiration date from the guest prior to attempting a refund.
- If the card has been deactivated or is on a security/fraud hold from the issuing cardbank, BookingCenter can not assist your staff.
What you can do:
- Issue the guest a refund via company check or direct them to their issuing cardbank for assistance in removing the security/fraud hold.
- Contact your merchant account provider via their 'Voice Authorization" phone lines and attempt to have the credit done directly through them. If you do so, then you must register that credit onto the folio to balance it out.
How to post a credit to a folio when done 'offline'? We have a HelpDesk article on this topic at: to explain how to do this in MyPMS.