Rates: How do I enter Seasonal Rates?
Posted by - NA - on 09 Jan 2008 10:56 AM

To make Seasons work correctly, do the following:

  1. Make a list of the Seasons you would like to use, their beginning and ending dates. Write this down somewhere and check to make sure it's correct BEFORE doing data entry into BookingCenter.
  2. Go to BookingCenter | Parameters | Booking System | Seasons and create the new Seasons by choosing New and then entering the beginning and ending dates for each Season. BookingCenter will perform a check when you are through to make sure each day in the next two years is accounted for within a Season. If BookingCenter encounters an error (if you missed a day), we will tell you where. You must fix any Seasons errors before you can safely use the Seasonal pricing feature of BookingCenter.
    hint* - You can print this window to save your Seasons on a piece of paper. Just choose Print.


  1. Go to BookingCenter | Parameters | Booking System | Rates. For each rate used by BookingCenter, click "Add" (or double-click the space below the Rate) to add a Seasonal adjustment to the Rate. By adding Rate values for each Season, you are changing the way the Rate will be charged during the dates of the Season. hint* - BookingCenter will list the Seasons in the order your enter them. It is recommended that you enter Seasons to a rate in chronological sequence, current date first. This way, you can easily see the Seasonal changes to the rate. Also, you can print this window to save your Seasonally-adjusted Rates on a piece of paper.
  2. Go to BookingCenter | Parameters | System Configuration and click the "Use Seasonal Rates" box in the upper right corner. This tells BookingCenter to use the Seasonal rates for all Rates.
  3. hint* - If you have clicked the "Use Seasonal Rates" box and DO NOT have Seasons applied to your rates, you will notice that the 'default rack rate' will appear when making a Booking. Use Seasonal Rates consistently or do not use at all is our advice.