Manage Credit Cards Transactions: Auths, Settle, Void and Delete
Posted by Jason Timms on 20 May 2010 08:18 AM

Use the following tips to manage these functions in Manage Credit Cards

  • Void
  • Modify Auth
  • Settle
  • Delete

See detailed instructions for MyCard in our online manual, MyCard and the MyCard Video Tutorial Series

Tips for handling transactions in Manage Credit Cards for MyCard users:

  • Each line (row) on the Manage Credit Cards has been manually done by an operator, or in the event of an online booking, as a deposit transaction from your online booking engine.
  • If there are two (or more) auth events for the same credit card, then either an operator manually edited an 'auth' or used a credit card to 'apply payment' to a folio for an amount greater than an existing authorization and this created a new auth.
  • If you wish to void an existing authorization on a card holder's credit card, the click the 'Void Auth' next to the line on the Manage Credit Cards screen to remove that auth from a card holder's card.
  • If you wish to Modify an existing authorization on a card holder's credit card, the click the 'Modify Auth' next to the line on the Manage Credit Cards screen to modify the existing authorization from a card holder's card. Only Visa supports a true 'modification' of an authorization, the other credit card companies simply void the existing auth and add a new authorization for the specified authorization amount.
  • When a purchase or credit has been settled, that amount settled to your merchant account is listed in the column 'settled'.
  • When a row states 'void' it was due to a manual event. If one voids a pending credit or purchase, then it will show as voided. The folio will then be OUT OF BALANCE with your credit card batch, so train your staff do do this only when there is a good reason. If this occurs (a void on a pending purchase or credit) then one ought to use a 'write off' to balance the folio's payment screen, as continuing to apply charges and credits to a credit card will simply magnify the problem.
  • You can DELETE a credit card at any time (PCI Compliance requires this at card holder's request) except if there is a pending charge or credit in unsettled status. If you attempt to delete a card with a unsettled charge or credit nothing will happen. This is by design to prevent the pending card transaction from falling into limbo status and failing to batch. To resolve this Delete the card AFTER clicking 'Settle Credit Cards' from the Night Audit screen.
  • If you are using 'Auth at Checkin' (setting is managed in the Setup | PMS | Setup area) to get an authorization on the credit card set as 'guarantee by' at checkin, then BookingCenter will use that authorization when 'apply payment' is chosen using the credit card set as 'guarantee by'.
  • If you are NOT using 'Auth at Checkin' (setting is managed in the Setup | PMS | Setup area) , then each time an 'Apply Payment' is made against a folio, it will get its own unique auth if no auth already exists. If you manually authorized the card when adding it to the system the existing authorization will be used for transactions up to the authorized amount.
  • If the transaction amount exceeds the existing authorization or if the original authorization has expired a new authorization will be obtained.

For example if you have a Visa ending in 1111 that you have authorized for $10 and you post a $25 payment to the folio you will see a second auth for $15 added and both the $10 and $15 amounts in settle status.The next time you settle credit cards you will see the transaction has settled in two amounts as they pertained to each authorization.