Using the BookingCenter Dial In Internet Access Number When Your Internet Dies
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 24 Mar 2010 11:44 PM

Using the BookingCenter Dial In Internet Access Number When Your Internet Dies

There are times when our MyPMS customer's internet connection dies, and they need a way to login to the internet. For these purposes only, BookingCenter provides an international Earthlink account that can be reached via over 128 counties on local phone calls.

To begin, find the Earthlink dial in number closest to you by visiting:

Once you have this number, set it as a Dial Up Internet Access number for your Mac or Windows PC. The account settings you will us to create a new Internet Connection are:

username : bookingcentre

password : <ask bookingcenter for this>

Modem phone number: 707-873-0023 (this is the Earthlink number closes to BookingCenter's office - it will work, but may nor be the fastest nor cheapest connection for you)

SMTP login username for sending emails while connected

DNS address:

With these settings, you are ready in the event of a down time should it ever occur. Remember, you can also use a Mobile phone, such as an iPhone, Blackberry, etc to use MyPMS by simply visiting http:;// on your mobile phone should your local internet access go down.