Desktop PMS Reports: Saving Reports to Excel or a spreadsheet program
Posted by Jeff Tweddale on 03 Mar 2010 10:07 AM

To save reports to Excel or a spreadsheet program, we recommend running nearly any report and choosing the option 'Print to Screen'. From here, nearly all reports can be copied/pasted into spreadsheet programs.

For example, if you wanted a spreadsheet listing of all Bookings due to arrive in a time frame (say, a week or a month) run a Room Booking Report (go to Reports | Room Booking ). Select a date range and choose 'arrival' (depart or 'made on' is another option), sort the results by ROOM (or arrival date), and that will work to show who is due to arrive in that time frame. This result is a list of bookings (with or without financial details) that can then be selected and copied (Macintosh: apple/A, Windows control/a ) then pasted into a spreadsheet program like Excel to perform charting/graphing as needed.

BookingCenter offers hundreds of variable ways to run reports, all of which can be copied/pasted into spreadsheet programs, so play around and you will find exactly what you want.