How to check Rate accuracy for online bookings?
Posted by Jason Mispagel on 03 Jun 2008 12:44 PM

How to check Rate accuracy for online bookings?

Please enter your Members Area and view the Agent Relationship section. You can view your current Agent Allocations at

This page will show you what Rates are associated with which Room Types you are publishing to each Agent. Remember, BookingCenter considers your website as Agent BC, your Global Booking Network as Agent WR, and your Members Area as Agent BCM. Any additional agents you use to display a subset of your rooms at rates you decide is up to you, but these are necessary Agents in the BookingCenter system.

To learn about using Agent Allocations, we have written a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) that can be read at:

If you are seeing a wrong Rate not appearing on the Booking Engine when you try and make a booking at your BookingCenter URL, then please send to the following info so we can help troubleshoot the problem:

• The Room Type or Room in question
• The dates you are seeing the Room Type mis-quoting the Rate
• The expected rate you thought you shourl see
• The rate you are seeing

Often times when our customer attempts to deduce the problem, it becomes clear. If our Support Department is to help, we require these specifics to deduce the issue.