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Knowledgebase : XML Team > Problem Bookings
The XML interface works exactly like the Booking Engine when a multi day booking has different rates per day. The saved booking simply has the Daily Rate and one can then deduce the Average Daily Rate (ADR) by adding all day's rates and dividing by the nu...
HOLD AND REVIEW AUTHORIZATIONS, AVS, AND RESSTATUS USING XML AND PAYMENT PROCESSING If a Site is using AuthorizeNet as a payment gateway and they have the The Authnet Fraud Detection Suite enabled to Hold and Review, then the developer needs to know what...
The "Save Booking" messages that are received by BookingCenter have a check for overbookings built in. The check is only for properties who don't "auto assign" rooms to bookings in the set-up area of the System. Therefore, if a Booking is to be saved to...
When implementing an XML interface, there is a setting that a property can choose to 'automatically assign a room' to an online booking or not. This choice can have ramification to an XML developer, so read the article on this choice at: https://support.b...
FAILED AUTHORIZATIONS USING XML WITH PAYMENT PROCESSING If a Site is using MyCard (TSYS, Vital, Visanet, or Authorizenet) as payment gateway, _AND_ the Site is set to take 'Online Deposits' (ie, some money is needed before confirming a booking) _AND_ a ...
Manage and prepare for OVER bookings from Networks such as OTAs and GDS' All BookingCenter systems have a Room, a Room Type, and Rate called OVER. None of these can be edited or deleted, as the Central Reservation Service uses these to assign any
If you are using the "Reservation request" feature of airbnb, and a guest made a reservation request prior to making the booking, Airbnb _holds_ that room availability for 24hrs. This gives the guest a booking _if they_ confirm within that 24 hour time pe...